Facekom (Techteamer)
Facekom – an innovative market leader specializing in digital customer identification, e-signature solutions, and virtual call center services – has sold a majority stake to a regionally acclaimed private equity firm, supporting its expansion in Central Eastern Europe.
Deal summary
Facekom, an innovative market leader specializing in digital customer identification, e-signature solutions, and virtual call center services for banks, insurance companies, and large enterprises, has successfully sold a majority stake to a private equity firm.
Deal rationale
A financial sponsor joined the company to support its further growth and expansion in the CEE region by selling a majority stake to a regional private equity firm.
Absolvo's contribution
Our M&A team delivered end-to-end advisory services throughout the transaction, including preparation of investor documents highlighting the company’s strengths and growth potential, validating business and financial plans, conducting a business valuation, drafting different investor profiles, engaging with domestic and international investors, supporting negotiations, evaluating offers and term sheets, assisting with due diligence, structuring key investment terms, negotiating SPA and SHA, and coordinating the transaction's successful signing and closing.
The deal team
