Website owner and operator:
Absolvo Consulting Kft.
Registered seat:
H-1124 Budapest, Csörsz u. 45.
+36 1 279 1979
HU VAT number
Webhosting service provider
DotRoll Kft.

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- While our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate and in case of errors brought to our attention we make all our best to correct / fix them, Absolvo Consulting cannot accept any responsibility or liability with regard to the materials on this site.
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- Absolvo Consulting makes the information on its website available to everyone. You may store any of the information on your own computer strictly for your personal non-commercial use only, and you may link to this information from your website.
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- Absolvo Consulting may modify these terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice.
Absolvo Consulting Kft.